Was Lil Reese shot 6 times? Memes erupt on Twitter amid latest report
Rapper Lil Reese is trending on X, formerly known as Twitter, following multiple reports suggesting that he was in critical condition after being shot six times in downtown Chicago.
Since the rapper has been targeted in the past and has sustained gunshot wounds on multiple occasions, netizens were unsurprised by the recent claims online suggesting he had been shot six times.
However, as the reports went viral online, the Chicago rapper’s sister shot down the rumors, stating that Lil Reese, whose real name is Tavares Lamont Taylor, is alive and well. In a statement on Instagram, Lil Reese's sister confirmed he was not shot six times.
"Before y'all start DM me and steday calling and texting me it's nothing wrong with my brother. That s*it so old... people just weird as h*ll out here!!! But y'all heard it from me he's good at home with his feet up."Netizens react over false reports claiming Chicago Rapper Lil Reese was shot six times
The recent false claims suggesting Chicago Rapper Lil Reese was shot six times have triggered a volley of memes online. The memes were in reference to the rapper’s seeming invincibility despite repeatedly getting shot in the past and recovering from his wounds.
The Chicago rapper, who was reportedly shot on May 15, 2021, in a parking garage alongside two other men, survived the attack. The incident marked the second time the Chicago-born rapper was targeted in a shooting. In 2019, the rapper was shot in broad daylight on the city’s south side and survived the injuries. At the time, police in Country Club Hills said that Reese was transported to the South Suburban Hospital by an unidentified man in a car after being shot in the neck.
The rapper’s repeated good fortune after emerging from the shooting alive despite sustaining multiple gunshot wounds earned him the nickname of Grim Reaper.
Shortly after being shot in 2019, in response to a fan who tweeted that DJ Vlad would likely be vying to interview him, the Rapper said he wants $1M for his post-shooting interview. He said:
"Tell him I need a million for this story this s*it ain’t fake or free shit bigger [than] 50 Rick Ross and whoever els[e]."Lil Reese has also had multiple run-ins with the law. In 2010, the rapper pleaded guilty to burglary charges and received two years probation. In 2013, he was arrested for marijuana possession.
Who is Lil Reese
Lil Reese, who was born in Chicago and raised in the city’s south side, garnered an immense fan following after he was featured on Chief Keef’s hit single I Don’t Like in 2012. Reese’s multiple collaborations with Keefe helped highlight his talent and gain the respect of other artists in the rap scene.
In 2012, Lil Reese dropped two of his own singles, Us and Traffic, which featured Chief Keef.
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