Full race results of NASCAR ARCA Series at Kansas Speedway
The 2023 NASCAR ARCA Sioux Chief Fast Track 150 is finally done and dusted. The 17th race of the 2023 ARCA Menards Series started at 6 pm ET on Friday (Sep. 8) at the Kansas Speedway, with 21 entries.
Connor Mosack, driving the No. 18 Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing, clinched his first career ARCA Menards Series win in a dominating fashion at the 1.5-mile-long track.
Mosack emerged victorious after taking the lead from Dean Thompson on the 42 of the 100 lap and held off the rest of the field to take the checkered flag.
He led for 63 laps and crossed the finish line by an impressive margin of 3.20 seconds ahead of Carson Kvapil, the son of former NASCAR Truck Series champion Travis Kvapil.
Following his maiden victory in the ARCA Series, Mosack said:
“First, I just want to thank everyone at Toyota and Joe Gibbs Racing. We’ve worked really hard all year, had some bad luck. I’ve made plenty of mistakes. "I feel like we earned that one, and we gave a few others away. Today, we just went to work to get the balance right. I was definitely holding my breath there at the end, but we got it done,” as quoted by motorsports.com.Meanwhile, Carson Kvapil finished runner-up, followed by Toni Breidinger, Lavar Scott and Jake Finch in the top five. Christian Rose, Scott Melton, Dean Thompson, Mandy Chick and Andy Jankowiak completed the top 10.
NASCAR ARCA Menards Series: Sioux Chief Fast Track 150 final results
Here are the final results for 2023 Sioux Chief Fast Track 150 at Kansas Speedway:
Watch the NASCAR ARCA Series drivers next at Bristol Motor Speedway for the 18th race of the season on Sept. 14.
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